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中華文化 | 杏林 Apricot Trees / Venerable Doctors with Good Skills

核心提示:杏林Apricot Trees / Venerable Doctors with Good Skills杏樹林,對德行高尚、醫(yī)術精湛的醫(yī)生的美稱,亦指代醫(yī)學醫(yī)藥界。據(jù)東晉葛洪《神仙傳》記載,三國時期名醫(yī)董奉隱居廬山,無償給人治病,只要求重癥治愈者種杏五棵,輕癥治愈者種杏一棵。幾年后,他的住處就有了大片茂盛的杏樹林。他用杏子換糧食,儲存起來,用于救濟貧苦人及其他需要幫助的人。后來,人們

杏林  Apricot Trees / Venerable Doctors with Good Skills


This term refers to venerable doctors with good skills and by extension the entire profession of Chinese medicine. According to Biographies of Deities and Immortals by Ge Hong, the famous doctor Dong Feng of the Three Kingdoms period lived on Mount Lu where he treated patients free of charge. All he asked from those who recovered from a serious illness was to plant five apricot trees and those who recovered from a minor ailment to plant one such tree. After some years, a lush wood of apricot trees appeared. He traded apricots for grain which he saved up to help the poor and needy. Later, people used apricot trees to refer to virtuous doctors with good skills. In modern times, some medical organizations and journals in China used the designation "apricot trees" as their names. This term has become a synonym for Chinese medicine.

引例 Citation:

◎ 君異居山間,為人治病,不取錢物,使人重病愈者使栽杏五株,輕者一株。如此數(shù)年,計得十萬余株,郁然成林。……買杏者皆于林中自平量之,不敢有欺者。君異以其所得糧谷賑救貧窮,供給行旅。(葛洪《神仙傳》卷十)


Doctor Dong Feng who lived in a house on a mountain treated patients free of charge. He only asked his patients to plant apricot trees in exchange: five trees for patients of serious illness and one tree for patients of light illness. Several years later, 100,000 apricot trees were planted, forming lush woods... People came to buy apricots and weighed them by themselves, and no one cheated. Doctor Dong used the money to buy grains to give to the poor and travelers passing by. (Ge Hong: Biographies of Deities and Immortals)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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