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中華文化 | 氣往轢古 A Piece of Writing with Appeal Surpasses That of Ancient Writers

核心提示:氣往轢古A Piece of Writing with Appeal Surpasses That of Ancient Writers文章的氣勢、氣概等超越古人。這里的“氣”的含義很廣泛,指文章的氣勢、氣概,也兼指作品所蘊含的作家個人的精神氣質、氣節(jié);“往”,過往,指“氣”所經(jīng)行之處;“轢”,本義是車輪碾過,引申為超越。這是南朝劉勰在《文心雕龍·辨騷》中對于屈原作品的特點所作的概括,后成為文藝創(chuàng)

氣往轢古  A Piece of Writing with Appeal Surpasses That of Ancient Writers


This term refers to a powerful appeal in writings surpassing that of ancient writers. Here qi has a wide range of meanings, from an essay's powerful appeal to a writer's charisma or moral integrity. Wang describes a channel through which such a vital force passes. Li literally means a wheel crushing something when rolling over it and metaphorically an overwhelming advantage over something. This is how Liu Xie of the Southern Dynasties, in The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, described the powerful appeal of Qu Yuan's works. Writers of later generations invariably sought to create a powerful appeal in their writings.

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There is no doubt that Odes of Chu drew inspiration from ancient classics. But it also has some stylistic features of the Warring States Period... That is why it surpasses the works of ancient poets in terms of appeal and the works of later generations in terms of the rhetoric splendor. Such powerful appeal and splendor are unrivaled. (Liu Xie: The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons)

推薦:教育部 國家語委

供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社


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