賢人 Xianren (Person of Integrity)
A person of integrity is one with the ideal character championed by the ancient Chinese. A person of integrity practices and observes all the ethical rules and standards in life, and his behavior is revered as the model for such a way of life. However, different schools of thought have different understanding as to what qualities a person of integrity should have. To Confucian scholars, a person of integrity practices moral virtues such as benevolence and righteousness and is considered competent for being an official. Mohists, however, believe a person of integrity should see that those under his governance practice universal love as their fundamental moral guidance. Still others, such as Daoist scholars, argue that exalting a person of integrity would lead to unnecessary controversy and would thus be detrimental to governance.
引例 Citations:
Confucius said, "When you see a person of integrity, you should emulate him; when you see an indecent person, you should reflect on your own shortcomings." (The Analects)
Respecting a person of integrity is fundamental to governance. (Mozi)
推薦:教育部 國家語委
供稿:北京外國語大學 外語教學與研究出版社